Health Benefits of Fonio

Fonio by no means is a “new” grain as it has been around for centuries throughout West Africa, but it certainly is taking on a new life as international demand and local prioritization continue to increase in parallel with one another. Once considered an underutilized/neglected crop, fonio is gaining prominence due to its adaptability to changing climates, sustainability to produce and its health benefits to consumers.

We have covered all of these features of fonio to some degree in recent articles, but the predominant interest of consumers, at least internationally, continues to be around the nutritional qualities of this ancient grain and how it may impact their health. In a previous piece, we did a deep dive into the nutritional breakdown of fonio, focusing primarily on the grain itself with both internal and external studies of its nutritional contents. However, in this article, we will shift the focus over to the end-consumer and how adding fonio to one’s diet can potentially impact their health.


An ancient grain fit for modern times

Many consumers are becoming more educated and rigorous about what exactly they put into their bodies, as well as the impact that cultivating those foods have on the environments where they are grown. Thus, it is little surprise that fonio is having its breakout at this specific moment in time. Not only is the grain extremely sustainable, requiring limited resources, effort and time to cultivate, but it also offers a healthier alternative to many other popular grains consumed around the world.

Fonio’s core nutritional properties that make it extremely appealing to modern consumers are:

  1. It’s naturally gluten-free
  2. It has a low glycemic index, and
  3. It is a good source of plant-based amino acids

To the first point, we want to be clear that gluten on its own is not a negative nutritional property, but with the rise in awareness of gluten sensitivities and known cases of celiac disease, fonio’s gluten-free properties mean that it can be consumed on a much wider scale and can function as a substitute for individuals with any level of sensitivity. Its low glycemic index also makes it appealing to diabetics and its amino acid contents to those who consume vegan or vegetarian diets.

Other broader nutritional claims have been made about fonio as well, including that eating fonio can improve energy, support mental health, enhance brain power, promote cardiovascular health and support immune strength. These claims are largely based on fonio’s iron, thiamin (vitamin B1), niacin (vitamin B3) and phosphorus properties, which can vary significantly depending on multiple factors, including where the fonio is grown and how it is processed. These may all be true to an extent, but there is less research to support these claims. For this article, we’ll focus on the three main features from above.


Gluten-free grain

Fonio’s gluten-free status makes it exceptionally appealing to not only consumers, but food brands, chefs and restaurateurs who are looking to offer products/menu items that are safe to consume by a wider audience. Unlike wheat, barley, and rye, fonio is inherently gluten-free, ensuring that those with gluten-related disorders can enjoy a diverse and nutritious grain without triggering adverse reactions. This is especially significant for consumers with celiac disease, an autoimmune condition where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine, causing various health issues.

The increasing prevalence of gluten-related disorders has led to a growing demand for gluten-free alternatives, so fonio can be a beneficial addition to the diets of those seeking to manage health concerns. Fonio can be substituted for white rice and other grains containing gluten in essentially any cuisine due to its neutral flavor profile, from pilafs to soups to grain bowls and so on.

Fonio also serves as a versatile and nutritious flour substitute, offering a gluten-free alternative for baked goods such as breads, muffins, pancakes, waffles and more. Fonio flour’s finely ground texture makes it an excellent choice for baking, imparting a mild, nutty flavor to recipes that can enhance the taste of both sweet and savory dishes. Some food brands have already been experimenting with fonio to offer gluten-free snack and dessert options such as crackers, chips, rolls and cake mixes, but consumers can also buy fonio flour in 1 and 5 lb bags to experiment with themselves from our brand-partners at Iya Foods. They also offer plenty of recipes to give you some ideas.


Low glycemic index

Fonio also distinguishes itself with a notably low Glycemic Index (GI), a characteristic that sets it apart from other grains and positively impacts the health of consumers. The Glycemic Index measures how quickly a carbohydrate-containing food raises blood glucose levels, with lower values indicating a slower and more controlled release of sugar into the bloodstream. Fonio’s low Glycemic Index is particularly advantageous for individuals concerned about blood sugar management, such as those with diabetes or those aiming to maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.

Comparatively, fonio’s Glycemic Index is lower than that of several common grains like white rice, wheat, and corn. Fonio’s GI can range between 35-49 depending on the individual consumer [1], which puts it in-line with other low GI foods like brown rice (50) and durum wheat (47). Fonio’s low GI makes it an excellent choice for promoting sustained energy without causing rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels. Foods with a low Glycemic Index are associated with improved blood sugar control, reduced insulin resistance, and better overall metabolic health. By choosing low-GI foods like fonio, consumers can make dietary decisions that contribute to long-term well-being and help manage conditions related to blood sugar fluctuations, making it a valuable addition to a health-conscious diet.


Plant-based amino acids

For vegetarians, vegans, or anyone seeking to enhance their protein intake without relying on meat, ancient grains like organic fonio are a great addition to any diet. Although fonio’s total protein levels are similar to that of white rice, where it tips the scales is its unique amino acid profile, which can include significant levels of methionine and cysteine. Methionine, an essential amino acid crucial for skin elasticity, hair growth, and tissue repair, cannot be synthesized by the body and must be sourced from foods like fonio. Cysteine, a non-essential amino acid, also impacts skin elasticity and plays vital roles in protein synthesis and detoxification, as well as contributing to the formation of taurine.

When assessing the deficiencies found in other grains, fonio becomes a valuable option for helping meet daily essential amino acid needs, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a well-rounded and sustainable plant-based protein option. It is important to note that fonio’s total protein levels are not sufficient to cover the bulk of an individual’s daily recommended needs, so it needs to be paired with other protein-rich foods for a complete and balanced diet. For reference, one serving of pearled fonio offers roughly 4% of the recommended daily value (%DV) of protein, but one study

However, one study concluded that the EAR (Estimated Average Requirement) and RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) minimum of methionine were 5.1 mg/kg/day and 6.53 mg/kg/day for healthy adults [2], which would mean that one serving of cooked pearled fonio containing 162 mg of methionine could offer as much as 41% of the RDA for adults weighing 60 kg, and 26% of the RDA for adults weighing 95 kg. This data is significant as research continues to show that consuming more plant-based proteins and amino acids can not only be healthier for the human body, but also more sustainable for the environment.


A well-rounded grain

Individually, each of these nutritional benefits likely wouldn’t be enough to consider fonio the super grain that it is, but it’s the combination of all of these factors—in addition to its environmental sustainability and culinary versatility—that push it over the top. Organic fonio offers a healthy solution for consumers with a variety of considerations to make, whether it be out of necessity for their health or by choice. Few grains can boast of a similar nutritional profile to that of fonio, especially when considering gluten-free options, making it an ideal grain for current diets across the globe.

If you’d like to learn more about fonio and/or make bulk purchases, drop us a line here.



  1. Alegbejo J, Ameh DA, Ogala W, Ibrahim S. Glycaemic index and load of acha (fonio) in healthy and diabetic subjects. J Pure and Applied Microbiol. 2011;5:117–122.
  2. Paoletti A, Pencharz PB, Ball RO, Kong D, Xu L, Elango R, Courtney-Martin G. The Minimum Methionine Requirement for Adults Aged ≥60 Years Is the Same in Males and Females. Nutrients. 2023; 15(19):4112.

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